We have carefully considered the Smol token model for the long run, as we have big plans for our smols in the years to come. XXS can be used for betting on races and earning revenue share (which include partial token trading fees and blast-native yields).

The Smol token (XXS) starts out as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and is bridged to Blast (ERC20) for community and full on-chain games operation.

XXS Token Metrics

Total Supply: 100,000,000 XXS

Initial Circulating Supply: 40,000,000 XXS

Blast Trading Tax


Ethereum Uniswap Trading Tax

  ↗️  1/3 -> Staking Pool1% of Uniswap volume as staking rewards
3.0%3.0%➡️1/3 -> Smols Fund1% of Uniswap volume for expanding the smols’ habitat
↘️1/3 -> Team1% of Uniswap volume sent to team multisig wallet

XXS Initial Token Allocation Structure

AllocationPercentageNo. TokensDescription
Token Sale20.0%20,000,000 XXSinitial token sale & distribution
Liquidity Vault10.0%10,000,000 XXSreserved for adding and managing liquidity needs
Prize Pool10.0%10,000,000 XXStoken reserve for special rounds and events
Marketing15.0%15,000,000 XXStoken incentives for marketers & community
Staking Pool 🔒20.0%20,000,000 XXS1+ years allocation for base staking rewards
Treasury 🔒♻️15.0%15,000,000 XXSvested, relocking project treasury
Team 🔒⌛10.0%10,000,000 XXSlocked team members allocation

Emissions Projections

Initial Circulating Supply will be ~ 40,000,000 XXS.

XXS Emission Projection Charts

After the fist year ~ 70,000,000 XXS will be in circulation.

We estimate that ~ 85% of XXS tokens will be in circulation at the 2 years mark, maybe more.

Staking pool tokens are permanently locked in the staking contract and can only be released as rewards for staking. Treasury tokens are vested recurrently for 3 month at a time. Team tokens are staked and locked for 10 years.